Look to the Mountains: Revisiting Historic Photographs of the Bighorn National Forest by Dave Stoetzel, John Spencer, and the Jim Gatchell Memorial Museum is now in print! This book came to fruition thanks to the overwhelmingly popular temporary exhibit, Untrammeled: 50 Years of the Wilderness Act Through the Viewfinder which was on display in 2014/2015. This book features then and now comparison photographs taken approximately 90 years apart.
Available for purchase via the Museum Store or by contacting the museum at 307-684-9331
Peek inside Look to the Mountains!
The Jim Gatchell Memorial Museum Press publishes history texts that pertain to Johnson County, Wyoming or the regional history of the area.
Guns of the Gatchell is a museum favorite as it presents an array of information about the manufacture, capabilities, strengths and weaknesses of Winchesters, Sharps, military rifles, shotguns and handguns of all types that are part of the collection of Jim Gatchell Memorial Museum.
Other publications include Frontier Wyoming, The South Pass 67‘ers – A Wyoming Gold Rush, Fort McKinney – A Wyoming Frontier Post, and A Postcard History of Wyoming. The press also publishes a non-fiction history series for the Big Horn-Powder River region of Wyoming called “Big Horn Tales.”
Interested in contributing to the JGMM Press? Contact Jennifer Romanoski at
for more details or 307-684-9331