Uniform Stories

Long before electronic communication was used, soldiers wore brightly-colored uniforms.  This made troops easy to identify and commanding officers could keep track of battles from afar.  Military tradition of the time also deemed wearing camouflage to be cowardly.

By the twentieth century, troops could communicate without being seen, and uniforms were slowly being adapted to the environment and intended purpose.  Each branch of the United States Armed Forces has a distinct uniform, not only for battle and regular work use, but also formal wear.

Insignia and medals tell a unique story about the person wearing the uniform. Some identify the rank and can even explain different deeds the person has accomplished.

Uniforms hold a place of honor in the history of our country.  Regardless of what branch of service chosen, the military personnel of the United States wear their individual uniforms with pride and respect.

The veterans in this exhibit all called Johnson County, Wyoming, home at some point in their lives, and all gave proud service to their country.  Uniform Stories: Johnson County Dressed for Service was on display Spring 2015 to Spring 2017.

WWI: Halbert Miller
WWI: Werly Accola
Cold War: Gordy Meldrum
WWII: Benjamin Thompson
WWII: George Knepper
WWII: Irene Voiles Smith
WWII: Cullen Watt
Cold War: Larry Gray
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